2024/25 MLR Transactions

This page contains a list of all trade transactions between clubs for the 2025 Major league Rugby Season. For the purposes of this page, the ‘season’ begins immediately after 2023 MLR Trade and Signing Deadline (13th May, 2024), through the 2024 Collegiate Draft (28th August, 2024) and runs to the 2025 MLR Trade and Signing Deadline, which was During Rd 11 of the 2025 season.

The Official MLR Trade Wire seems to run from one Championship Final to the next, so the Trade Wire begins with the Collegiate Draft. Please bear this in mind when comparing the two, although much of the information is the same.

A complete list of transactions for the 2025 season is outlined in the table below, with the most recent transaction at the top. In the case that a draft pick was traded, the player selected with that pick is included in brackets, if known.

Transaction List

DateTeam 1Team 2
25th September 2024Old Glory DC
Receives 2025 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Receives JP Zeiss
25th September 2024
Receives 2nd Pick in Dallas Dispersal Draft
(Makeen Alikhan)

Receives 5th Pick In Dallas Dispersal Draft (Vaughen Isaacs)
2025 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
25th September 2024
Receives 5th Pick in Dallas Dispersal Draft
(Vaughan Isaacs)
Old Glory DC
Receives 2025 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
21th September 2024
Receives Junior Gafa

Receives 2025 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
Anthem’s 2025 2nd Rd Pick (TBD)
1 International PLayer Slot for 2026
28th August 2024
Receives NE’s 2024 2nd Rd Pick (24th Overall – Le’Donn Mathis)

Receives 2025 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
28th August 2024Old Glory DC
Receives NE’s 2024 1st Rd Pick (via Anthem) (12th OverallRay Santiago)
2025 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Receives OGDC’s 2024 1st Rd Pick (5th Overall – Jeron Pantor)
14th August 2024
Receives Conner Mooneyham
Tyren Al-Jiboori
2025 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Receives 1 International Player Slot for 2025
12th August 2024
Receives 1 International Player Slot for 2025

Receives Carlo de Nysschen &
Line Latu
7th August 2024Old Glory DC
Receives Jason Emery

Receives 2025 Salary Cap Space (unknown)
7th August 2024
Receives 2025 Salary Cap Space (unknown)

Receives 1 International Player Slot for 2025
7th August 2024
Receives 1 International Player Slot for 2025

Receives RFCLA’s 2024 1st Rd Pick (2nd Overall – Neil Trainor)
2025 Salary Cap Space (unknown)
There is no significance to ‘Team 1’ or ‘Team 2’, it’s only for display purposes.

This list is updated as we learn about transactions. The ‘Date’ column reflects the date that the transaction appeared on the MLR Trade Wire, which is often up to a week after the actual transaction date, sometimes longer.

The ‘(Unknown)’ included in Salary Cap Space transactions reflects the fact that although we know that some cap space was included, we do not know the dollar amount or the percentage of cap space. In fact, we aren’t even certain what the MLR salary cap IS.

The ‘(TBD)’ included with some transactions including Collegiate Draft Picks reflects the fact that the Draft involving that pick has not yet taken place, so we do not yet know who was selected with that pick.