2022/23 MLR Transactions

This page contains a list of all trade transactions between clubs for the 2023 Major league Rugby Season. Please note that for the purposes of this Transaction list, the ‘season’ begins immediately after the 2022 Collegiate Draft (18th August 2022) and runs to the conclusion of the 2023 Collegiate Draft (17th August 2023).

The official MLR Trade Wire seems to run from one Championship Final to the next, so the Trade Wire begins with the Collegiate Draft. Please bear this in mind when comparing the two, although much of the information is the same.

A complete list of transactions between the 2022/2023 drafts is outlined in the table below, with the most recent transaction at the top. In the case that a draft pick was traded, the player selected with that pick is included in brackets, if known.

Transaction List

DateTeam 1Team 2
11th August 2023NOLA rugby
Receives Seattle’s 2023 1st Rd Pick (Gabriel Mahu’inga)

Receives Devin Short
11th August 2023
Receives 2024 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Receives Te Rangatira Waitokia
11th August 2023NOLA rugby
Receives Utah’s 2024 1st Rd Pick (TBD)

Receives 2024 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
NOLA’s 2024 3rd Rd Pick (TBD)*
31st July 2023
Receives 1 2024 International Slot
2024 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Receives Rewita Biddle & Jordan Brown
20th July 2023
Receives Toronto’s 2023 1st Rd Pick (Max Schumacher)

Receives Robbie Povey
10th April 2023
Receives Adriaan Carelse

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
27th March 2023
Receives Kevin Morgan

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
Dallas’ 2023 2nd Rd Pick (Juan Pen)
22nd March 2023Old Glory DC
Receives Kyle Baillie

Receives 2024 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
22nd March 2023NOLA rugby
Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Receives Chase Schor-Haskin
22nd March 2023NOLA rugby
Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Receives NOLA’s 2023 2nd Rd Pick (Josh Halladay)
4th January 2023
Receives Taylor Krumrei
NOLA rugby
Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
15th December 2022
Receives Corey Thomas

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
7th December 2022
Receives Michael de Waal

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
7th December 2022
Receives Djustice Sears-Duru

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
7th December 2022
Receives Old Glory’s 2023 1st Rd Pick (James Rivers)
Old Glory DC
Receives KoiKoi Nelligan
6th December 2022
Receives Sean Yacoubian

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
5th December 2022NOLA rugby
Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Receives James Vaifale
NOLA’s 2023 3rd Rd Pick (Ronnie McElligott)
2nd December 2022NOLA rugby
Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Receives JP Eloff
2nd December 2022
Receives Christian Poidevin

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
2nd December 2022NOLA rugby
Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Receives Mason Koch
2nd December 2022
Receives Nathan den Hoedt

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
2nd December 2022
Receives Lindsey Stevens

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
29th November 2022
Receives Ronan Foley

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
22nd November 2022
Receives 1 2023 International Slot

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
22nd November 2022
Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Receives JP Zeiss & Marcos Moroni
11th November 2022
Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
Seattle’s 2023 3rd Rd Pick (Nathan Beil)

Receives Conner Mooneyham
10th November 2022
Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
SaberCats’ 2023 2nd Rd Pick (Abe Turpen)

Receives 5th overall pick in 2022 Dispersal Draft
(Hanco Germishuys)
10th November 2022NOLA rugby
Receives 3rd overall pick in 2022 Dispersal Draft
(Jordan Trainor)

Receives 4th (Michael de Waal) & 44th
(Langilangi Haupeakui) overall pick in 2022 Dispersal Draft
5th October 2022NOLA rugby
Receives Cael Hodgson

Receives Devereaux Ferris
29th September 2022
Receives Marcel Brache

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
29th September 2022
Receives Luke Burton

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
28th September 2022
Receives Old Glory’s 2023 2nd Rd Pick (Junior Gafa)
2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
Old Glory DC
Receives Quentin Newcomer
25th September 2022
Receives Cole Keith

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
21st September 2022NOLA rugby
Receives Dougie Fife

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
21st September 2022
Receives Sean McNulty

Receives Ben Mitchell
20th September 2022
Receives Peter Malcolm

Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)
19th September 2022
Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Receives Brad Tucker
15th September 2022
Receives 2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Receives Travis Larsen
12th September 2022
Receives Jonah Dietenberger
2023 Salary Cap Space (Unknown)

Received Mikey Te’o
*= NOLA’s 2024 3rd Rd Pick looks to have also been traded to NE Free Jacks on 9th February 2024 (see 2023/24 MLR Transactions page).
There is no significance to ‘Team 1’ or ‘Team 2’, it’s only for display purposes.

This list is updated as we learn about transactions. The ‘Date’ column reflects the date that the transaction appeared on the MLR Trade Wire, which is often up to a week after the actual transaction date, sometimes longer.

The ‘(Unknown)’ included in Salary Cap Space transactions reflects the fact that although we know that some cap space was included, we do not know the dollar amount or the percentage of cap space. In fact, we aren’t even certain what the MLR salary cap IS.

The ‘(TBD)’ included with some transactions including Collegiate Draft Picks reflects the fact that the Draft involving that pick has not yet taken place, so we do not yet know who was selected with that pick.